From the heart of the jungle
Children are the future, and our goal is to help them grow and thrive. We believe that education can break the cycle of generational poverty throughout the world.
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This planet is our home, and at Hearts in Action, we strive to leave this world a better place than we found it. As stewards of the jungle, we are advancing everyday in our quest to protect the Mayan biosphere.
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While education is the stepping off point, enterprise is where workers at Hearts in Action can put their gifts to use.
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Children are the future, and our goal is to help them grow and thrive. We believe that education can break the cycle of generational poverty throughout the world.
LEARN MOREThis planet is our home, and at Hearts in Action, we strive to leave this world a better place than we found it. As stewards of the jungle, we are advancing everyday in our quest to protect the Mayan biosphere.
LEARN MOREWhile education is the stepping off point, enterprise is where workers out of Hearts in Action can put their gifts to use.
LEARN MOREAs a Christian nonprofit, Hearts in Action is focused on building up young people and adults in the Petén with a sense of purpose and identity. Whether through formal schooling, better health care, nutritious meals, creative experiences or greater opportunities for development and employment, HIA is engaged in showing the love of Jesus and a future with hope to our children and our communities.
We believe that education can break the cycle of generational poverty throughout the world. Hearts in Action hopes to activate people to live to their true potential. Since 1999, The Jungle School has become a thriving pre-school, elementary, secondary, and vocational school for children in the San Andres community of Peten, Guatemala.
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The Peten jungle in northern Guatemala is home and headquarters to Hearts in Action. We are situated in the Maya Biosphere, which was created in 1990 to protect the largest remaining area of American tropical forest north of the Amazon. Human activity is threatening the biospheres very existence, from illegal logging, burning for farming and extreme deforestation for cattle ranchers. This biosphere is highly endangered. Peten now has 91% of all the cattle ranches in Guatemala. Ranchers are interested in grasses and not trees. HIA is working hard to educate, plant trees and raise awareness about serious issues affecting the future of the rainforest. Entire eco systems are being decimated and with them go the animals, plants, water and the jobs that could have been if the natural resources had been cared for and used well.